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Goat Trails Finley’s Gem Texas Pete


    • Sire: Laz E Acre’s Finley +B (5th Gen Am)
      • SS: Cornerstone Farm Moon Light
      • SD: Echo Hill’s SG Bunny 2*P
    • Dam: Eddy Place Nola Mae Blue (5th Gen Am)
      • DS: Eddy Place Sherman
      • DD: Eddy Place Nadine Blue

    Pete is such a handsome fellow! He brings in some new genetics while keeping some common genetics within our herd. An added bonus, Pete is also “polled” so we are very excited to add the polled genetics to our herd. Pete came all the way from Texas to join our family of Mini Nubians and we couldn’t be more pleased!

    Pete’s baby photo and Dam’s udder photo courtesy of Tisha (Goat Trails at Creekside Farm)